Tairawhiti GDL

Through our Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) programme, we prepare our communities with the tools they need to go “2MAHI”. Thanks to significant funding from the Provincial Growth Fund, we are able to offer this AMAZING opportunity to our communities from Potaka in the north to Muriwai, Motu, Tiniroto in the south.
For those of us out there who sat their licence, 100 years ago,when it was a really easy process, this all might seem a bit over the top, but things have definitely changed in this space.
These days, to get a full driver’s licence is really difficult. There are HUGE barriers for people to overcome, and when you live rurally, these barriers are even more challenging.
– the cost of the licence itself
– if your vehicle fails, you fail
– the fear of failing is real and prohibits our whanau from achieving their dreams and aspirations
Our students pay a bond of $80 to register on the programme. This shows, they have skin in the game, and is to help cover the cost of a resit, should they need it. But if they don’t, then its reimbursed to them at a Graduation Luncheon held twice a year.
So how do we eliminate the barriers facing our rural Tairawhiti communities? Working with our partners McInnes Driver Training school,
– our team goes out to the rural communities to meet our people kanohi-ki-te-kanohi, and to let them know “we’ve got them”
– the cost of lessons ($80 per lesson)
– critical key to success if you are unfamiliar with driving in town
– the cost of getting to Gisborne, the nearest testing station
– the time off work, organising children
– organising life
– the vehicle having a vehicle that is registered, warranted and is up to date
We provide transport to and from Gisborne
We provide lessons x 2 per person
We pay for the licence fee & test
We fund the Defensive Driving course
We provide a kai
We help to get licences reinstated
We provide lots of pastoral care and support to help our students through
We also ensure employers are informed